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Mary Ann Kennedy

Cluichidh Màiri Anna NicUalraig agus a càirdean òrain on chiad chlàr aon-neach aice, ‘An Dàn’. Is e seo cruinneachadh de dh’òrain Ghàidhlig ùra o ARC Music, le òrain stèidhichte air an togail a fhuair i mar Ghàidheal Ghlaschu le freumhan sna h-eileanan. Bheir Fionnlagh Wells, Lorne MacDhùghaill agus Eòghainn Burton taic dhi.

Mary Ann Kennedy and friends showcase songs from her debut solo album, ‘An Dàn’, a unique collection of new Gaelic song on ARC Music, as well as songs connecting with her roots as a Glasgow Gael with island roots. Joined by her band, Finlay Wells, Lorne MacDougall and Euan Burton.

Blas Festival 2017 Appearances

An Talla, Tiree - Friday 1 September

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