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Finlay Macleod

Rugadh agus thogadh Fionnlagh MacLeòid ann an Nis. Fhuair e a' chuid a b' fheàrr de fhoghlam ann an Oilthigh Obar Dheathain agus tha e air a bhith a' sgrìobhadh bho ‘s cuimhne leis. Tha e gu mòr air a bhith an sàs ann am foghlam, foillseachadh agus craoladh de dhiofar sheòrsa. Tha e fhèin is Norma air a bhith pòsta còrr is leth-cheud bliadhna agus tha dithis nigheanan aca, Ceit Anna agus Rachel.

Finlay MacLeod was born and raised in Ness and was educated at the University of Aberdeen. For as long as he can remember, he has loved to write. He has been heavily involved in education, publishing and broadcasting. He and Norma have been married for over fifty and they have two daughters, Ceit Anna and Rachel.

Blas Festival 2017 Appearances

An Lanntair, Stornoway - Friday 8 September

Finlay MacLeod at Blas Festival
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