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Com-pàirteachas | Partnership - LAS present Sian

Com-pàirteachas | Partnership - LAS present Sian
Sultain / September 2024
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Air an toirt còmhla an toiseach aig Fèis Blas ann an 2016, gus bàrdachd nam ban a thoirt gu aire dhaoine, tha triùir de na seinneadairean òga Gàidhlig as fheàrr an-diugh ann an Sian – Ceitlin Lilidh, Eilidh NicCarmaig agus Ellen NicDhòmhnaill – còmhla ri Innes MacIlleBhàin air a bheil fèill mhòr mar neach-ciùil.

Le ceanglaichean ri Leòdhas, an t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Uibhist a Tuath, tha faireachdainn dhomhainn an dualchais follaiseach nan cuid seinn le co-sheirmean eireachdail, a dh’fhàg daoine coimeas a dhèanamh eadar Sian agus The Staves agus eadhon Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Chaidh a’ chiad chlàr aca fhèin, air a riochdachadh le Dòmhnall Seathach, fhoillseachadh ann an 2020 agus tha iad an-dràsta a’ clàradh òrain ùra.

Originally brought together by the Blas festival in 2016, to celebrate the work of female bards, Sian comprises three of today’s most exquisitely gifted young Gaelic singers - Ceitlin Lilidh, Eilidh Cormack and Ellen MacDonald – accompanied by in-demand multi-instrumentalist (and fellow Gaelic speaker) Innes White.

With direct connections among the singers to Lewis, Skye and North Uist, their arrangements match deep feeling for tradition with stunning, boldly imaginative harmony work, which has seen them likened to The Staves and even Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. Their self-titled debut album, produced by Donald Shaw, was released in 2020 and the band is currently recording new music.


Las, Portree

Isle of Skye Candle Co. Visitor Centre, Viewfield Rd, Portree IV51 9EU

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