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Com-pàirteachas | Partnership - Cala

Com-pàirteachas | Partnership - Cala
Sultain / September 2024
Follow link below for details

Tha sianar sa chòmhlan Cala, daoine òga tàlantantach à Inbhir Nis, a tha a’ measgachadh ceòl traidiseanta na h-Alba ri ceòl ùr-nòsach de gach seòrsa.

Tha an ceòl aca air a’ chòmhlan a thoirt air feadh na h-Alba agus nas fhaide air falbh. Ann an 2023, rinn iad clàr singilte fon ainm 'Two-stroke Wheelbarrow', clàrachte le Scott Wood bho Oak Ridge Studios. Tha an clàr a’ toirt dhuinn sealladh air an stoidhle a tha iad air a bhith a’ leasachadh bho chaidh a’ chiad chlàr aca fhoillseachadh. Tha Cala gam putadh fhèin gu cruthachail agus tha an dealas airson sgrìobhadh agus a’ cluich a’ sìor fhàs nas treasa.

The sinn glè thoilichte fàilte a chur air Dòmhnall agus Peigi Barker a bhios a’ cumail taic ri Cala aig a’ chuirm seo far am bi cothrom gu leòr ann dannsa cho math ri èisteachd!

Emerging Inverness talent Cala are a six-piece band fusing elements of Scottish trad and folk with contemporary music of all kinds.

Their music has taken them all over Scotland and beyond. In 2023, they recorded their latest single Two-stroke Wheelbarrow with Scott Wood of Oak Ridge Studios. The track offers a glimpse into the much bolder and more experimental style they’ve been developing since the release of their debut album. Cala continues to push themselves creatively and their passion for writing and performing grows ever stronger.

Join Cala for an excellent night of tunes as the OneTouch Theatre transforms into a standing gig space with plenty of room for a boogie!

Cala will be supported by Black Isle sibling duo Donald and Peigi Barker.


Eden Court - One Touch Theatre

Bishops Rd, Inverness IV3 5SA

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