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Donald Black

Tha Dòmhnall MacIlleDhuibh, an cluicheadar òrgan-beòil Albannach, a’ tilleadh gu Blas le Donaidh MacCoinnich agus Màrtainn Skene gus ceòl tradiseanta na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean a chluich.


Cluinnear Dòmhnall tric air an rèidio agus thar nam bliadhnaichean tha e air cluich gu tric aig iomadh cuirm ann an Alba, Sasainn, san Roinn Eòrpa, san Ruis agus sna Stàitean Aonaichte.

Scottish Celtic Harmonica player Donald Black returns to Blas with Donnie MacKenzie and Martainn Skene to play traditional music of the Scottish Highlands and Islands and beyond.


Donald, a favourite on Gaelic and national radio, has over the years, has played numerous concerts to hugely appreciative audiences in his native Scotland, England, Europe, Russia and the U.S.A.

Blas Festival 2017 Appearances

An Talla, Tiree - Friday 1 September

Tayvallich Village Hall - Saturday 9 September

Donald Black at Blas Festival
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