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Talla Choimhearsnachd Drochaid Chàrr - 29/11 

Carrbridge Village Hall - 29/11


Ticeadan Tickets
Concession £10
U-18 £5
Family Ticket (2 Adults & 2 Children) £30

Thigibh a chluinntinn an cluicheadar bogsa, sgrìobhaiche ciùil, seann chluicheadar iomain, preasantair a’ BhBC, ball-stèidheachaidh Mànran agus ‘Instrumentalist of the Year’ on Ghàidhealtachd Gary Innes agus a’ chòmhlan cliùiteach a’ cluich. 

Turas ceòlmhor loma làn de fhuinn, òrain, craic agus sgeulachdan mu bheatha, còmhla ri Kim Carnie, Ali Hutton, Ryan Murphy agus Rory Matheson.

Highland born accordionist, composer, Shinty has-been, BBC Presenter, founding member of leading trad outfit ‘Mànran’ and 'Instrumentalist of the Year' Gary Innes and award-winning band perform in concert.

A musical journey full of tunes, songs and tales of his life with a good healthy dose of craic, featuring, 

Kim Carnie, Ali Hutton, Ryan Murphy and Rory Matheson.

Venue Address

Carrbridge Village Hall Hall

Main Road


PH23 3AA


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